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Robotic Process Automation or the technology popularly called RPA has considerably matured over the decades to lead to what is more popularly known as the Intelligent Automation. And that has boosted processes like never before resulting in considerable efficiency and productivity in a paperless environment.  

Today, most of the enterprises are opting for processes that can lead to doing away with papers. But there is still the existence of papers, which reduces the impact of automation in businesses. Intelligent data capture helps to digitise any paper document to extract the required information from it. This helps to bridge the gap in a bid to achieve complete automation, leading to paperless processes in the office.

RPA and intelligent data capture can lead to the best possible results

RPA can easily fetch documents from a system for intelligent data capture that makes use of a software called Optical Character Recognition or OCR. After digitisation is complete and extraction of details has been successfully done, the information can be either directly posted onto a system or transferred to an RPA bot, which further feeds the data into a core enterprise system.

Business impact

Intelligent data capture with the help of Robotic Process Automation can lead to complete automation, bridging the gaps in the earlier systems.

The solution also boosts accuracy and leads to a significant improvement in the convenience factor and reduction in turnaround time. It also helps to bring down the overall process time and enhances customer experience like never before. These result in winning better business opportunities for the businesses.

Challenges involved

Data capture, if done well, can lead to complete automation. However, there can be many hurdles along the way.

Scattered information: Different locations of keywords and headings in unstructured documents can be a problem.

Foreign language: When the language of the document is not available in the Optical Character Recognition engine, it becomes challenging to capture the information.

Impenetrable documents: When documents are dense, comprising of multiple types of in various sizes, then the imaging quality is affected.

Interference of logos with the text: When images and logos are embedded within the text, capturing the content is affected considerably.

Handwritten documents: It becomes difficult to fathom the content of the documents that are handwritten.

Many times, the image quality and the content issues, nullify the good effects of automation. However, the intelligent data capture solutions that are available in the market today are becoming more advanced lately and are alleviating the issues considerably. Because of this, the accuracy level can go up to nearly 99%. The advanced solution providers are coming up with features, that pre-process well to lead to improved image quality.

  • Category: Home
  • Date: 13-12-2019