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In today’s world, digitisation has become extremely dominant. No matter which domain we look into, we see an insurgence of the new age technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), predictive analytics, machine learning, robotic process automation (RPA), virtual reality, and others. And why not? After all, they are the keys to bring about a successful digital transformation, leading to positive business outcomes. However, many leaders from various business domains are today having this realisation that technology alone cannot do a lot if not supported by the right manpower. So, for taking any business to the next step, along with the tech processes, the focus must be on people – employees of the company.

In fact, the trend over the years has shown that companies which mostly invest in transforming the experience of their employees are almost four times more likely to be profitable than those businesses that don't. And it makes perfect sense as well. After all, it’s the employees who deliver for the customers at the end of the day, and finally, those customers help drive in the business growth.

So, in order to boost the employee experience, keep these points in mind:

Communicating the digital strategy: It’s important to keep the employees engaged from the very beginning and letting them know, how you want to take your company ahead with a digital transformation. If you want to go ahead with AI or any other advanced technologies a part of your strategic growth, you need to make a plan first, develop the same and communicate it to bring about a balance between the human and digital component in your company.

Understanding the employees: Creating employee personas through extensive researches is the right step in delivering the transformational digital experiences at the end of the day. Not only quantitative, a qualitative research empowers businesses to personalise the experiences and identify employees' needs.

Enlisting the C-suite: C-suite executives must lead the charge when it comes to innovating the employee experience. These leaders need to understand the future state of the affairs and be the right advocates across the organisation in terms of how actually to get there through a digital roadmap.

Building the skills for the future: It is the need of the hour to reimagine the traditional learning and development programmes in a bid to transform into the digital domain. Whether it’s understanding and catching up on how to work with the machines, or gaining an understanding of the agile methodologies, the development opportunities actually make the employees feel extremely valued, leading to better business outcomes.

Modernising the digital technologies: A digital future cannot be built for the customers if the employees themselves are struggling with redundant technology and cumbersome processes. So, digitising the processes and modernising the existing portals and other platforms can only dramatically boost the employee experience and finally lead to improving the customer experience, which will bring greater profitability for the company.  

So, it’s not just about being going digital, the companies need to understand how we must prepare organisations and the employees first in a bid to walk on the digital roadmap. 


  • Category: Home
  • Date: 11-07-2022